As a privately operated school, Hadi School has the opportunity to continuously re-evaluate its methods and ensure that we are providing our students the most innovative and up-to-date methods of learning. Hadi School strives for its students to achieve both academic and Islamic excellence using the highest quality of learning methods.
In 2017-18, Hadi School has moved towards integrating Project Based Learning as well as Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) into a Personalized Learning curriculum.
Schools all across the country are transforming education by encouraging innovation. Leaders in education have recognized the positive impact of personalized learning, whereby students receive the instruction they need, when they need it. Teachers are blending in-person instruction with technology to differentiate lessons, using real-time data to personalize learning and allow for mastery-based progression, and they are incorporating student choice and agency into instructional decisions. Hadi School believes that a personalized learning approach leads to fewer students “falling between the cracks” and a greater success in the classroom.
With this student-centric approach of learning, students have the ability to move on when they have demonstrated mastery of a skill or concept at their own pace. Instruction is organized around course-level and grade-level competencies that include SMART goals to empower students. Students are assessed at deeper levels such as on content and application of knowledge. Learning outcomes in personalized learning emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge, along with the development of life skills.